Questionnaire 2!
Questionnaire 2!
Community members provided feedback using this questionnaire to prioritize specific community goals that the Plan should emphasize and introduce new ideas.
Rapid City Comprehensive Plan: Questionnaire 2 Opportunities and Priorities
Thank you for taking the time to participate in this second questionnaire for the Rapid City Comprehensive Plan update. This questionnaire builds on the valuable feedback we’ve already received from the community through the first set of Open Houses, community interviews, drop-in events and Questionnaire 1 results. This next phase we’re asking for your help to try and prioritizing specific community goals that the Plan should emphasize.
This survey is an opportunity to share your perspective on a wide range of topics, including housing, economic development, infrastructure, education, recreation, and more. By contributing your ideas and priorities, you’ll play an essential role in setting the direction for our City’s Comprehensive Plan goals and policies,
For each question, please choose your top three choices.
Part 1: Element Questions
Part 2: Demographics Section
The demographic section of this questionnaire is intended to help us understand who we are hearing from and where further outreach efforts are needed. This information is not shared outside of this process and is used as a gauge to help ensure equitable representation.
For any questions that you do not feel comfortable answering, feel free to choose “I prefer not to answer."