Rapid City Comprehensive Plan Update
Rapid City Comprehensive Plan Update
Welcome to the Rapid City Comprehensive Plan website! This website will serve as the home base for online participation, important information, and project updates. Our tools and pages will be updated as we move through this process, so check in often, register your email for updates, and share this site with your community!
Rapid City Root Beer Social - Day 1 Evening Session (4:00-7:30PM)
The Rapid City Comprehensive Plan team wants to hear from you about what you want to see in the future!
Bring your family and friends to the Rapid City Root Beer Social at the Dahl Arts Center this September! Stop by anytime between 4:00PM and 7:30PM for FREE root beer floats, snacks and family-friendly activities. This open house style event will also have opportunities to share ideas for the new Comprehensive Plan and help shape the future of the City.
Rapid City Root Beer Social - Day 2 Afternoon Session (12:00-2:00PM)
The Rapid City Comprehensive Plan team wants to hear from you about what you want to see in the future!
Bring your family and friends to the Rapid City Root Beer Social at the Dahl Arts Center this September! Stop by anytime between 12:00PM and 2:00PM for FREE root beer floats, snacks and family-friendly activities. This open house style event will also have opportunities to share ideas for the new Comprehensive Plan and help shape the future of the City.
Rapid City Root Beer Social - Day 2 Evening Session (4:00-7:30PM)
The Rapid City Comprehensive Plan team wants to hear from you about what you want to see in the future!
Bring your family and friends to the Rapid City Root Beer Social at the Dahl Arts Center this September! Stop by anytime between 4:00PM and 7:30PM for FREE root beer floats, snacks and family-friendly activities. This open house style event will also have opportunities to share ideas for the new Comprehensive Plan and help shape the future of the City.
Get Involved
The first phase of this process is all about thinking big! We want to know what you love about Rapid City. What needs improvement? What do you want for the future? Over the next couple months, we will ask for your input here on this website. Check in often to see new polls, maps, surveys, and more! You’ll also find some fun ways to get involved in person.
How can you get involved?
What do you love about Rapid City? What needs work? What do you wish to see in the future? Share your ideas, thoughts, input, and desires via the interactive tools included on this website.
Scroll down to the bottom of this page to enter your email to receive information about project events, ways to share, and project progress.
Read up on important information about Rapid City so you can make informed decisions! This page will host links to existing plans, studies, and other important info as the project progresses.
Visit this page to start sharing! The tools on this page will change throughout the process so check in often to see how you can share your ideas for your community.
Some ideas and comments are better explained using a map. Visit the Idea Map by clicking on the tab at the top of this page to identify places you love or would like to see improved in Rapid City.
Technology is great, but we also want to see and connect with you in person. Check out the Meetings and Events tab and mark your calendar to attend an upcoming event!
We want to know why you chose to live or work in Rapid City! What aspects of Rapid City should be preserved? What makes it special?
Enter the "Rapid Gets Creative" Art Showcase to tell us or show us why you love Rapid City. Visit the "Rapid Gets Creative" Tab at the top of your screen to learn more.
Do you take photos? Submit your best photo of Rapid City or the community within it!
Do you create art? Submit a painting, graphic, collage or drawing of why you love Rapid City!
Do you have a story to tell? Submit an experience, a story, even a poem about what captures the essence of Rapid City's culture!
Do you create music? Submit a song or music that represents your culture, or the culture of Rapid City
Project Timeline
Calling all Rapid City Community Members!
What Makes Rapid City Special to YOU?
Rapid Gets Creative welcomes all art forms, skill levels, and community members to use creativity to elevate the Rapid City Comprehensive Plan! You can submit a story, painting, dance, poem, drawing—anything that feels like the most authentic way you express yourself and conveys the message “What do you love most about Rapid City?” and “What makes Rapid City special?”.
Who is leading this project?
The Rapid City Comprehensive Plan Update is a joint effort between Rapid City and the community! Logan Simpson is a consulting firm that will be assisting the City in facilitating public engagement, drafting the Plan, and managing this website!
For more information on the project and its purpose, visit the Learn More page!
Rapid City Root Beer Social - Day 1 Evening Session (4:00-7:30PM)
The Rapid City Comprehensive Plan team wants to hear from you about what you want to see in the future!
Bring your family and friends to the Rapid City Root Beer Social at the Dahl Arts Center this September! Stop by anytime between 4:00PM and 7:30PM for FREE root beer floats, snacks and family-friendly activities. This open house style event will also have opportunities to share ideas for the new Comprehensive Plan and help shape the future of the City.