Rapid City Comprehensive Plan Update
Rapid City Comprehensive Plan Update
Welcome to the Rapid City Comprehensive Plan website! This website will serve as the home base for online participation, important information, and project updates. Our tools and pages will be updated as we move through this process, so check in often, register your email for updates, and share this site with your community!
Save the Date!
Join us for "The Road Ahead: Rapid City Stories and Planning for the Future", the next event in the Comprehensive Plan engagement series. This event brings together community voices and stories as a way of shaping the City’s Comprehensive Plan.
This event will feature powerful, personal stories from local community members, organizations, and Rapid City experts reflecting on shared experiences, successes celebrated and hopes for the future. Each speaker will focus on a specific area of the Comprehensive Plan, whether it’s housing, transportation, parks and open space, education or other elements that impact everyday life.
By combining creative expression with public input, this event aims to foster deeper connections among residents, spark new ideas for community development, and create a more inclusive planning process. It's an opportunity for everyone, whether long-time residents or newcomers, to engage in a meaningful conversation about the future of our City, ensuring that every voice is heard and valued in shaping the path ahead.
Before and after the speakers, participants will have the opportunity to contribute their own ideas and feedback on the City's Comprehensive Plan update through an open-house style event. This feedback will focus on the concrete goals, policies and actions that the City can focus on in the new Comprehensive Plan to achieve community goals.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the September Event: Rapid City's Root Beer Social!
See a video recap of the activities by visiting the link below:
How can you get involved?
What do you love about Rapid City? What needs work? What do you wish to see in the future? Share your ideas, thoughts, input, and desires via the interactive tools included on this website.
Scroll down to the bottom of this page to enter your email to receive information about project events, ways to share, and project progress.
Read up on important information about Rapid City so you can make informed decisions! This page will host links to existing plans, studies, and other important info as the project progresses.
Visit this page to start sharing! The tools on this page will change throughout the process so check in often to see how you can share your ideas for your community.
Some ideas and comments are better explained using a map. Visit the Idea Map by clicking on the tab at the top of this page to identify places you love or would like to see improved in Rapid City.
Technology is great, but we also want to see and connect with you in person. Check out the Meetings and Events tab and mark your calendar to attend an upcoming event!
Project Timeline
Who is leading this project?
The Rapid City Comprehensive Plan Update is a joint effort between Rapid City and the community! Logan Simpson is a consulting firm that will be assisting the City in facilitating public engagement, drafting the Plan, and managing this website!
For more information on the project and its purpose, visit the Learn More page!